Maximize Lymphatic Drainage Benefits & Minimize Detox

Have you ever experienced a detox reaction after getting a Lymphatic Drainage session? It’s a pretty common experience, especially when you first start getting MLD. Lymphatic drainage increases the flow of lymph fluids, and pulls accumulated waste and toxins from the cellular level of the fluid matrix in your body. If your system is backed Read More

Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Anxiety

One of the first things I noticed after I began receiving Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage (MLD) was a surprising absence of anxiety symptoms soon after my treatment.  I had been having varying levels of anxiety on an almost daily basis for the last couple of years, so when it suddenly wasn’t there anymore I was Read More

MediCupping VacuTherapy Massage Now at SeaRhythms in Charlottesville, VA

The ultimate in lymphatic and myofascial therapy! Transform painful, tight muscles into peaceful oceans of relaxation in a matter of minutes. I’ve used cups to treat multiple cases of tendinitis and old muscle injuries that have not responded well to other approaches, and was able to clear them up completely in just a couple of sessions.   I Read More

Breathe Freely. Get Inspired.

This is obvious when you think about it, but I’m going to state it anyway — Breathing is fundamental to your health, physically and mentally!   Inspiration (n.) -the drawing of air into the lungs; inhalation -an inspiring or animating action or influence -a divine influence directly and immediately exerted upon the mind or soul Read More

Benefits of Zero Balancing: Introduction

Below is an introduction and overview of the benefits of Zero Balancing, a holistic mind-body therapy that can help you feel good mentally, emotionally, and physically. Six benefits of Zero Balancing: Improves breathing and joint mobility Promotes postural alignment, optimal flow of energy and inner harmony Addresses musculoskeletal pain and biomechanical imbalances Helps reduce stress-related Read More

Are you ready to heal your chronic pain?

I want to support you in reaching your wellness goals. My signature holistic therapy, Integrative Therapeutic Bodywork, is based on several forms of osteopathic, orthopedic, and neurofascial bodywork, integrated as needed, to support you in your healing and getting relief from pain that you may not have been able to achieve before. I’ve done hundreds of sessions with clients who Read More